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Leighton Township Library

1000 Books Before Kindergarten

1000 Books Before Kindergarten

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Read 1000 Books Before Kindergarten!

Leighton Township Library is encouraging parents and caregivers to read 1000 books to their children before they enter kindergarten.
Any type of book counts.  You may count favorite books each time they are read. The goal is to read, read, read!

Who Can Participate? Children ages birth to five may participate with the help of their parents or caregivers.  This is for children who have not yet started kindergarten.

How Do I Get Started? It’s as easy as getting a sheet of paper and placing a check mark for each time a book is read to your child! You can open and print a tracking sheet, but may track progress anyway that works for you.   You can even use one of these apps:  Apple app or Android app.  When you are able to come into the library, you will want to register your child with us and get their rewards. 

What Counts? Each time you read a book with your child make sure to record it.  Books that children read at daycare, with siblings, or with grandparents may also be recorded.  You can also count ebooks, audio books and online storytime.  Each time you read a book it counts even if you have already read the same book before.  Children love repetition.

For additional information, see our 1000 Books Before Kindergarten brochure.

Reading Milestone Rewards:

Every 100 books read – a sticker to place on your reading log at the library and a sticker to place on our reading wall at the library.
100 Books Read -  A book bag
500 Books Read -  A small prize
1000 Books Read – A certificate, a free book, and a picture of your child taken with a sign reading “I read a 1000 Books Before Kindergarten!”

“The single most important activity for building the knowledge required for eventual success in reading is reading aloud to children.” -- U.S. Dept. of Education - Becoming A Nation of Readers