Make a purchase request
Instructions for suggesting a library purchase
Did you know you can suggest titles for purchase right from your account?
- Log into your library account
- Click on your name in the upper righthand corner and
select “My Library Dashboard” from the menu that
appears - To suggest a purchase, select “+ Submit a Suggestion”
from the lefthand menu - Fill out the required information - Title, Author (or
director/performer), Year and then click “Next” - On the next page, fill out the information you know
- Pick the format you’re requesting the library to
purchase - ISBN if you know it
- Publisher if you know it
- Audience - This is the age group the item is for
- Language
- There is also a space for notes you would like to
leave regarding your request
- Pick the format you’re requesting the library to
- After filling in all information, click the “Next”
button - On the next page, go over your request and click the
“Submit” button to send your request to the library